Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 3 in Sabotsy Namehana

No letter this week, because it was Mother’s Day and Michael got to call us!  We did a Google Hangouts will all the family from various locations around the globe (most of us here in the West, Michael obviously in Sabotsy Namehana, wherever that is.

On the funny side, we were expecting his call Sunday morning, so we all got up at 4:00am to prepare for the 5:00am call.  No call.  We did it all again on Monday morning, and voila, there he was!

Here’s a picture of the Google Hangouts with Michael on our big screen!


Here’s mom’s email after the call:

Subject:  Thank you!

What a great way to start the week!  (Though a bit earlier than I am used to.)  Thank you, everyone, for the thoughtful gifts and for being awake so early to share Michael’s call with us.

He looks great and obviously learning lots.

I know your lives are all very busy and it’s hard feeling that your struggles in raising small children are ever going to pay off (or going to school and working).  Be reassured, that the tough days will someday be forgotten (or filed away with treasured memories) and the rewards of your efforts will be so WONDERFUL.  There is nothing more rewarding to me than watching my children and grandchildren grow…and it’s a LOT easier now.

Thanks again for the thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts.  I look forward to cashing in my gifts.

I love you most,


P.S. I hope you find time to take naps today!

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